
Adopting an Outdoor Lifestyle

A lot of people especially in the first world countries have started to adopt an outdoor lifestyle. It may be due to the less amount of financial problems in this part of the world or may be more awareness about the dangers posed by the modern world by having extraordinary amount of technological intervention into human lives. More and more people have been moving into the minimalism concept or into self reliance idea. It is a big debate whether it is correct or incorrect but they find this to be a solution to a number of issues. However, the numbers are not great and the difference offered by them will be negligible.
Todays world is driven by marketing of the products whether those are food items or hygiene products or tech gadgets or properties, or clothing and this list continues and covers anything and everything in the world. With that said the mental state is tainted by excessive marketing and hence changing the mindset of the general masses. The new generation has not seen the pre-tech era therefore they are unable to do any sort of comparisons and are forced to adopt the lifestyle that is thrown at them by the big companies spending billions in marketing their products.
I am a big ambassador of keeping a good balance and promote the idea of outdoor lifestyle keeping the new tech and things helping in that regard. With that said we have to promote the outdoors the best we can. Since the new gen is not ready to move away from their screens, it will be more and more difficult in the coming years for us to introduce our kids to the outdoors. To be continued…
